Friday, June 1, 2007

Threats work.

Having gotten an anonymous letter at my home that threatens my family, and not any legal action, a letter whose information indicates that the source is within Administration For Children's Services, I am going to meet the threatener's demands part way in the interests of my family's tranquility and safety.

I am editing certain parts of this and other blogs.


Anonymous said...

• Delusional disorder is an illness characterized by the presence of non-bizarre delusions in the absence of other mood or psychotic symptoms. Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) (APA, 2000) defines delusions as false beliefs based on incorrect inference about external reality that persist despite the evidence to the contrary and these beliefs are not ordinarily accepted by other members of the person's culture or subculture.
Although non-specific concepts of madness have been around for several thousand years, the psychiatrist and philosopher Karl Jaspers was the first to define the three main criteria for a belief to be considered delusional in his book General Psychopathology. These criteria are:
• certainty (held with absolute conviction)
• incorrigibility (not changeable by compelling counterargument or proof to the contrary)
• impossibility or falsity of content (implausible, bizarre or patently untrue)
• Persecutory type
o Patients believe that they are being persecuted and harmed (Fennig, 2005).
o In contrast to persecutory delusions of schizophrenia, the delusions are systematized, coherent, and defended with clear logic. No deterioration in social functioning and personality is observed (Manschreck, 2000).
o Patients are often involved in formal litigation against their perceived persecutors. Munro (1999) refers to an article by Freckelton who identifies the following characteristics of deluded litigants: determination to succeed against all odds, tendency to identify the barriers as conspiracies, endless drive to right a wrong, quarrelsome behaviors, and “saturating the field” with multiple complaints and suspiciousness (Munro, 1999).
o Patients often experience some degree of emotional distress such as irritability, anger, and resentment (Fennig, 2005). In extreme situations, they may resort to violence against those who they believe are hurting them (APA, 2000)

Eugene Weixel said...

I'm pretty sure Vargas didn't write this himself.

Fact is Vargas is a protected incompetent at ACs and this is demonstrated on this blog and on If Vargas were supervising makers of hoseshoes it wouldn't be a matter of much concern, not to me anyway. The problem is he has placed children in serious jeapordy and is permitted to do so by ACS Commissioner John Mattingly, who at any rate abdicated his responsibility to his staff and to the chidlren of New York when he capitulated to the media in the Nixzmary Brown case. There is not argument that the publicly known about case, the Whitick case, came to ACS attention while Vargas was both the manager on duty and Instant Response Team Coordinator. It ccame to Emergency Chidlren's Services on superbowl Sunday 2005 and anyone who has been in the ECS office on such Sundays knows there is a lackadaisical attitude about visiting real cases of abuse that exceeds other times. It is known that a caseworker made a very dangerous (to the children) telephone call basically alerting the batterers that ACS had a report and then ACS waited two days to see the children, who were rushed to hospital beaten within inches of their lives according to the mass media. (They don't mention the telephone call and don't speculate as to whether the beatings were administered bfore or after this disasterous phone call) There is no doubt that Vargas ordered me to return a battered wife and her sexually abused daughter to the clutches of the malefactor. He did this with no discussion brooked. If there is a mental disorder in this piece it is in fact of someone who makes halfcocked decisions based on glimpses of material and will not brook any discussion. Again if this were horseshoes I wouldn't care.

There is also no doubt that I did recieve an anonymous letter claiming some unspecified libel against an unspecified person naming my wife (an incorrect spelling that I would wager is found in public assistance records that ACS staff has access to) and naming our two children. Now I do regard that as a threat. For that I have erased their names from all blog posts in which I did mention them, and made this matter public as a means of defense.

ACS is a thugish oranization.

Zoey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zoey said...

My theory is -negative or positive attention is still attention, obviously someone is still reading your blogs and replying anonymous no less (No spine)

I ask why?

Ha, we already know why, they're afraid of the truth being told!

Haven't they figured out WE ALREADY KNOW THE TRUTH!

It's simple follow the money! Title IV Federal funding....

Sorry about the deleted comment earlier, I had to change something and repost..

Eugene Weixel said...

Sorry I never tried to revive ACS MUST BE STOPPED.