Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Whitick case, Bloombreg, Vargas and me.


ACS flacks told the world that it was not required by regulation that the children in the Whitick case be visited immediately. It was incumbent that either ACS or NYPD make contact as soon as possible, physical and visual contact, because there was a credible report that children were being seriously hurt and they were! 2 days later the cops got involved. Emergency Children's Services had a case worker call the family (!) and of course an adult answered and said that there was no problem, so the matter rested until Tuesday when cops found the kids beaten and battered and needing ambulances. No one has asked whether these kids got beaten before, during or after ACS's very brilliant telephone call.

Mayor Bloomberg told the world that he was outraged, outraged mind you, and that by golly he was going to get to the bottom of it all. Two years plus and no follow up to his outrage is apparent. The puppy dog journalists have no further questions...

I was brought up on charges for supposedly not making an immediate midnight, non emergency cruel, needless and heartless case visit. Cops, detectives in fact, had already been to the home, extensively. A doctor did not call in a report, because there was nothing reportable. Cops called in a report that was rejected. They tried a second time and an exageration or lie was added to the report to make it viable, as the NYS Office of Children's Services is known to do.

While I was brought up on charges the Supervisor One, Hani Malek, who was with me and agreed that there was no need to call police got promoted to Supervisor Two. Go figure!

So, yes I have this thing about the Whitick case, but everyone who cares about children or who pays taxes that go to NYC's ACS should, because here was a call from a person with a name and phone number, not an anonymous call, about kids getting the stuffing beaten out of them. In fact that was an IRT (Instant Response Team) case but since Ramon Vargas was both the manager on duty, and the IRT coordinator, and it was after all, Super Bowl Sunday, and he has this off to the side, curtained off office that no other Child Protective Manager has at ECS, well...

As I approach the first anniversary of my somewhat forced resignation I have renewed energy and will to see that this case, and the matter of Ramon Vargas, accident that has already happened, not get lost.
Who is the idiot who brought me up on charges for this? Well, he isn't an idiot, he's Maradesa Adegbola.

1 comment:


Dear Mr. Vargas, Please HELP ME! My family has been a victim of ACS for 3 years. My 3 y/o granddaughter's maternal family (who has a long criminal and child abuse record) has filed numerous false ACS reports v. my family. ACS has ignored all my pleads for my g'daughter's safety. They have blatantly ignored the proof that I present and side with this family. The MGM befriends all the CPS and supervisors on the case. ACS even lies for her and hide the fact that she lives w/the same man for 18 yrs. so that she will not lose her HRA benefits or her 5 bedroom NYCHA apt. Please let me know if you would like to learn more about this case. It is a disgrace that a government entity sides with people with such an extensive record against a hard working, law abiding family. PLEASE HELP. My e-mail: