Saturday, April 21, 2007

"I can't take another child fatality review board" (or words very much to that effect).

Yes, a supervisor at Emergency Children's Services was heard saying that and it actually got back to me!

Child fatality. He can't take another one!

A nice enough guy, but he's not an accident waiting to happen, he's an accident that has happened already, and more than once. If his accidents affected people who are counted as being important in this society he'd be gone- certainly from any job of responsibility.

This guy has real problems at home, it's no secret at ECS. He's stressed out and distracted. Any decent boss would take him aside, get him counseling, try to find help for his situation and by God, give the guy some job where he can function without hurting himself or others, like Ms. Bleefeld has.

What say you, Zeinab Chahine? (A hard copy of this post is on its way to her via snail mail.)


Anonymous said...

Why don't you name the supervisor??

Eugene Weixel said...

ECS director knows who he is, Pat Malia knows who he is, half the staff at ECS knows who he is. Does Zeinab Chahine even want to know who he is?

The only people Division of Child Protective Services Protects are people who work there.