I haven't decided how often I'll be bringing you new eye candy but trust me, it'll be frequently.
Anyhow, KT da QT worked as a clerk, when she worked, in applications at ECS. This allowed her time to do schoolwork and she basically never had to go to the field. She caught married man child protective manager's eye and from there it was up, up and up and now she is wearing a rock, meets the moanster outside the office and is a Supe II!
How'sm that for the land of opportunity?
We don't want to hear about this BS. How come you didn't show up to testify on behalf of one of our colleagues at the arbitration hearing that happened recently?...you are about nothing and full of s...t
Yo, I would have been glad to go, just to see Michelle Weinstat's ugly face in contortions but I was not invited. Maybe the former co worker's attorney has been reading my stuff and figured I wouldn't have helped the case all that much.
Anyhow, knowing how ECS is a center of courageous souls, no doubt you all turned out in support of your fellow worker, right? After you got up off your knees before the ones who got her fired, that is.
Now that you are attacking ECS, were are going to air some of your dirty laundry on the net.
It's not true that you married a former client, an illegal allien, who was intruduced to you by one of your former coworker by the name of B.V? And who she had met in a DV shelter. Should we mention her name on the net?
Please stay tuned there is more to come
What a helpless and cowardly jerk you are, anonymous. A typical ACS baby snatcher. Lots of people are former clients of ACS. ACS is always picking on and terrorizing people who are in desperate situations. That's what you all do best. The lady I married never had a case that involved me. I married her for love and did not betray or leave a wife and children behind for her like someone I could mention has done for some unqualified floozy in the office who got rapidly promoted.
Keep your comments coming, New York's swinest.
By the way, anonymous, you live in Piscataway, NJ and your service provider is Verizon. You also scan this blog from a government computer. Just how anonymous do you think you are? Do you think that's all I know?
Now go wash your pants.
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